Car accidents can cause devastating injuries that affect your quality of life. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), approximately 400,000 motor vehicle accidents happen on Florida roadways annually. Nearly half of these accidents cause injuries, and about 3,700 lead to fatalities. The neck and…
South Florida Injury Attorneys Blog
What Rights Do Passengers Have in a Car Accident?
When someone enters a car as a passenger, they essentially place their lives in the hands of the vehicle’s driver and other motorists. The trauma of being a passenger in a car crash is not an easy feat, yet it happens more frequently than most people may realize. According to…
What Role Do Expert Witnesses Play in Personal Injury Cases?
Personal injury cases are often complex legal processes that involve a wide range of issues, such as the severity of injuries and their financial implications. These complicated issues must be explained and proven in a claim for fair compensation. An experienced car accident attorney can help guide claimants through this…
What Are Your Legal Rights in a Sideswiped Accident?
When two vehicles collide, the impact can be severe and cause significant injuries and damage. Since most vehicles lack ample side protection, an impact from the side during sideswipe accidents can lead to catastrophic injuries. Most sideswipe accidents in Florida happen because of unsafe lane changes. According to the Florida…
What to Know About Turo Accidents
Ride-sharing services such as Turo can be convenient for people who live in cities with limited and costly parking spaces or visiting tourists who don’t want to spend a fortune on a rental car they’ll hardly use. Turo allows people to rent a privately owned vehicle for a shorter period…
Difference between Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
Seniors living in nursing homes are among the most vulnerable individuals in society. Nursing homes serve a vital role in the lives of residents and their loved ones. According to the National Center for Elder Abuse, hundreds of thousands report elder abuse complaints annually. Most of the complaints received centered…
Why Should You Hire an Experienced Spinal Cord Injury Attorney
Sustaining a spinal injury can have devastating effects. In addition to the medical and rehabilitation costs, injury victims can also experience mental and emotional stress. Spinal cord injuries can happen for various reasons, including motor vehicle and fall accidents. According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistics Center (NSCISC), over…
How Pain and Suffering Is Determined
After an accident resulting from a person’s negligence, a victim can recover compensation for damages. The most common are economic damages, such as medical bills, property damage, and loss of income. It’s easy to calculate economic damages. For example, medical treatment costs will show on hospital bills, car repairs have…
Most Dangerous Intersections in Palm Beach County
The intersections at Palm Beach country can be quite dangerous due to the heavy traffic during rush hour, weekday mornings, and afternoons. Intersections pose a safety risk to motorists because it’s difficult for drivers to look in all directions before moving through. Additionally, pedestrians crossing the road must deal with…
How to Share the Road With Motorcycles
Recently, the number of motorcycles on the roads in Florida has been on the rise as many people see motorcycles as an economical mode of transportation. However, bikes are prone to crashes, and legal cases involving motorcycle accidents are often complex and can benefit from the expertise of a Fort…