
South Florida Injury Attorneys Blog


How Does a Medical Lien Work in a Personal Injury Case?

If you have an existing medical lien during your personal injury case, you may be wondering if this will prevent you from receiving financial compensation. You may need to pay your past due bills before receiving a payment from your personal injury settlement. Having an experienced lawyer look into this…


Most Common Causes for Car Accident Fatalities

Unfortunately, serious car accidents happen every day throughout Florida. Sadly, many of them are fatal. Dealing with a car accident fatality can have lasting effects on loved ones and entire families, especially when the deceased victim was financially supporting the family. If you or someone you know lost a loved…


Florida Head-On Collision Accident Lawsuits

Florida motor vehicle accidents that occur because of a negligent driver can leave motorists, passengers, and pedestrians in a precarious physical, financial, and emotional position. Although accidents can range in severity, head-on collisions tend to result in some of the most perilous situations for those involved. While Florida head-on collisions…

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