
South Florida Injury Attorneys Blog


Can an Intoxicated Accident Victim Recover for Their Injuries in a Florida Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Florida law generally allows for an accident victim to recover for their injuries, even if they are partially at fault for causing the accident in which the injuries resulted. In Florida, this concept is known as comparative negligence. Being a modified comparative negligence jurisdiction, Florida accident victims who share responsibility…


Appellate Court Discusses the Concept of Comparative Fault in Recent Florida Car Accident Case

Recently, a state appellate court issued an opinion in a Florida car accident case discussing whether the trial court was correct in determining that the defendant’s negligence was the sole cause of the accident resulting in the plaintiff’s injuries. Ultimately, the court concluded that the lower court was correct in…


The Pre-Suit Affidavit Requirement in Florida Medical Malpractice Cases

When someone is injured due to the negligent act of a healthcare provider, they may be able to pursue a claim for compensation against the responsible parties through a Florida medical malpractice lawsuit. However, before a case can be filed, specific procedural requirements must be met. Under Florida’s Medical Malpractice…


Court Determines Liability Release Waiver Did Not Prevent Plaintiff’s Claim in Recent Florida Wrongful Death Case

Last month, a state appellate court issued an opinion in a Florida wrongful death case discussing the permissible scope of a liability release waiver and whether such a waiver can prevent a plaintiff from pursuing a claim of gross negligence against a defendant. Ultimately, the court concluded that the plaintiff’s…


Distracted Driving Causes Over 50,000 Florida Car Accidents Annually

According to recent statistics by the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, distracted driving can be visual, manual, or cognitive. Examples of distracted driving include texting, eating, checking your GPS, unsecured pets, adjusting the radio, tending to kids in the back seat, and even daydreaming. Government statistics show that there…


Who Does Florida’s Move Over Law Protect?

In the mid-1990s, states across the nation began to see an uptick in the number of roadside accidents. Many of these accidents involved those who operated emergency vehicles on the road’s edge, such as police officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, and tow truck drivers. It was not until 2002 that…


Florida’s High Court Rejects Court-Imposed Cap on Wrongful Death Damages

In a recent Florida wrongful death case, the Florida Supreme Court reversed an intermediate appellate court’s decision that placed a limit on the amount of damages that a person could obtain through a wrongful death lawsuit. The Facts The specific facts of the case are less important than its holding.…


Florida Court Discusses “Open and Obvious” Doctrine in Recent Premises Liability Case

As a general matter, Florida landowners have a duty to ensure the area is safe for those whom they invite onto their property. In the event that a landowner fails to take the necessary precautions to ensure their property is safe, the landowner could be liable to any visitor for…


Court Discusses Florida’s Medical Malpractice Notice Requirement in Recent Case, Determining Plaintiff’s Case Need Not Comply

In a recent opinion, a state appellate court discussed the notice requirements of a Florida medical malpractice lawsuit. That presented a situation in which a plaintiff filed a lawsuit against a healthcare provider raising claims that the plaintiff believed was not based on a theory of medical malpractice. Thus, the…


Florida Court Dismisses Claim Due to Plaintiff’s Concealment of Previous Injury

Some parties try to get away with lying or concealing information relevant to a legal claim. However, the consequences of failing to provide honest and complete testimony can be dire. In a recent case before a Florida appeals court, the court dismissed a personal injury claim after the plaintiff concealed…

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