I was twelve when I first rode a motorcycle. It was just a small dirt bike that belonged to an acquaintance, but riding it gave me an incredible sense of freedom. Like many people, I wistfully remember that bike and the joy it gave me. I still have numerous friends…
South Florida Injury Attorneys Blog
The Statute of Limitations in Florida Medical Malpractice Lawsuits
All Florida medical malpractice lawsuits must be filed within a certain amount of time, or the judge overseeing the case will dismiss the plaintiff’s case. Pursuant to Florida Statutes section 95.11(4)(b), Florida medical malpractice cases must be filed within two years “from the time the cause of action is discovered…
Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance
As work-life balance is getting harder to maintain, partly due to the ever-evolving technology that is available to access around the clock, I would like to talk about ways of disconnecting to improve your work habits. Being good at resting is an important component in achieving a well-balanced work-life-schedule. Unplug.…
Back to school safety tips to prevent your child from being bullied.
During the month of August, back to school activities are in full swing. As a parent, my number one priority for my children is to ensure their safety. This is why I would like to talk about bullying. Bullying can happen anywhere, on the playground, in the classroom, on the school…
Florida Court Reverses Defense Jury Verdict Based on Prejudicial and Conflicting Evidentiary Rulings
Earlier this month, a Florida appellate court issued a written opinion in a personal injury case brought against a woman who developed lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The Florida personal injury lawsuit was filed against the manufacturer of the cigarettes to which the woman claimed she became…
Liability under Florida’s Dangerous Instrumentality Doctrine
With the tens of thousands of motor vehicle accidents that occur in Florida each year, it is not surprising that a significant number of these accidents involve a vehicle that was loaned to the person who caused the accident. These accidents present interesting legal issues, involving when the owner of the…
Assumption of the Risk in Florida Personal Injury Cases
When someone is injured while engaging in an activity that they know to be dangerous, sometimes courts will prevent that person from holding other potentially negligent parties liable, based on the doctrine of assumption of the risk. In order for a court to find that a plaintiff assumed the risk…
Florida Teen Killed in Drunk Driving Accident, Four Others Injured
Earlier this month, one Florida teen was killed and four others injured when they were struck by an allegedly drunk driver as they crossed the street after exiting the school bus. According to a local news report covering the tragic accident, the collision occurred in Polk County. Evidently, the driver…
Slip-and-Fall Plaintiff’s Expert Witness Creates Material Issue That Court Holds Must Be Resolved by a Jury
In many personal injury cases, the named defendant will try to get the case dismissed as early as possible in the process. Often, the earliest opportunity for a defendant to try for a dismissal is at the summary judgment stage. Summary judgment is a motion that a defendant can make, claiming…
Florida Supreme Court Discusses Burden-Shifting Analysis in Medical Malpractice Cases Where Foreign Objects Are Left in a Patient’s Body
Earlier this month, the Florida Supreme Court issued a written opinion in a medical malpractice case that required the court to discuss the Florida state statute that explains how judges should handle cases alleging that the defendant medical professional left a foreign object in the plaintiff’s body. The case was…