Articles Posted in Motor Vehicle Accident

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is one of the most common causes of car crashes in Florida, but it is far from the only impairment that can lead to an accident. There are five common types of impairment that can be responsible for a crash.

From physical fatigue to mental distraction, understanding these driving impairments can help you stay safe behind the wheel. This blog post will explore the five types of impairment that can lead to a Florida car crash.


Making a left turn at an intersection can be an extremely dangerous maneuver for motorcycle riders, with left turns ranking as the number one factor in motorcycle accidents and fatalities. 53% of crossing-path crashes involve left turns, while only 6% involve right turns. 

This difference is because, during a left turn, motorcycle drivers must check to their left to ensure that someone in their lane is not trying to pass them on the left, which is unnecessary when making a right turn at the same intersection. 

To make matters worse, drivers turning right do not have to cross the path of any oncoming traffic, while drivers turning left must watch for oncoming vehicles that could be coming from either direction. With these factors in mind, it is no surprise that left-turn accidents on motorcycles are far more common than right-turn accidents. In this blog post, we will discuss five reasons why left-turn accidents on motorcycles are so common.

Wet roads are an unavoidable reality of Florida driving. Driving in the rain can be dangerous because of the decreased traction and visibility, especially at night. 

There are more accidents due to rain than snow, primarily because most individuals are more cautious behind the wheel when it’s snowing than when it’s raining. In reality, driving in the rain is just as tricky as driving in snow, and it can result in just as terrible of an accident. 

Driving in the rain requires the same heightened attention as in the snow because you have equally poor visibility. This necessitates more awareness about the impact of rain on car accidents.

In Hialeah, Florida, not all backseat passengers are required to wear a seatbelt. Those aged 18 and over are exempt from the law, while those under 18 may be exempted if they have a medical condition that makes wearing a seatbelt impossible. However, if stopped by law enforcement, drivers must be able to prove their medical condition to be exempt. 

Wearing a seatbelt can prevent serious injury and death in the event of an automobile accident, so following this law is very important. In this blog post, we will discuss the backseat seat belt law in Florida, why back seat belts are important, and the penalties that one may face in the event they are caught breaking the backseat seat belt law.

The Backseat Seat Belt Law in Florida

Hit and run accidents are serious crimes where the driver involved in an accident flees from the crash scene without identifying themselves to anyone else involved. These types of accidents have varying consequences depending on the unique circumstances of the crash. 

Feelings of fear, anger, or confusion are common after any car accident, but they can be especially intense after a hit and run. Unfortunately, hit and run accidents frequently occur in Florida. 

Hit and run accidents account for about 25% of all accidents in Florida. This has led to the state legislature establishing hit and run accident laws to hold at-fault parties accountable. 

Cars are an essential part of American society. A car can be a convenience, necessity, or luxury, depending on your circumstances. Most people rely on their vehicles to commute, work, and run daily errands. Others prefer driving because they need to reach their destination faster than public transit. 

Although vehicles offer a sense of freedom, they also have various risks. According to the CDC, car accidents claim over 35,000 lives and cause millions of injuries annually in the United States. 

Florida is one of the most dangerous states for motorists nationally. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) reports over 250,000 injuries annually from car accidents in Florida. 

Car accidents are often extremely traumatic and stressful events. According to recent studies, people involved in car crashes are at high risk for psychological problems, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Although physical injuries are usually noticeable soon after an accident, psychological and emotional injuries may take longer to manifest symptoms.

PTSD is among the most common mental health issues after an accident. If the accident that caused the injuries was because of another driver’s negligence, you might be eligible for compensation according to local and state laws. Victims of car accidents should contact a Pompano Beach car accident lawyer for legal counsel. 

Read on to learn all you need to know about the risks of PTSD after a car accident in Florida. 

Florida has some of the most dangerous roadways in the country. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), over 400,000 car accidents happened in Florida in 2021. These accidents caused more than 250,000 injuries and about 3,700 fatalities in the same year. However, only a dismal percentage of crash victims in Florida seek counsel from a seasoned legal professional.

Most people hurt in automobile accidents in Florida are unaware that the law grants them the right to seek compensation for their suffering. The costs associated with treating injuries sustained in a car crash and other factors such as diminished quality of life, lost income, emotional distress, and property damage can add up quickly. Injured victims may be able to recover damages for their harm and losses if they take swift legal action against the liable party.

Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reveals that over 90% of car accidents in the United States are caused by driver error. This usually involves drivers not paying attention to their surroundings, being distracted, driving while impaired, or making poor decisions. 

Car accidents can cause devastating injuries that affect your quality of life. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), approximately 400,000 motor vehicle accidents happen on Florida roadways annually. Nearly half of these accidents cause injuries, and about 3,700 lead to fatalities. 

The neck and back are highly susceptible to damage from the impact of a car crash. This makes back and neck injuries the most common injuries after a traffic accident. Car accident injuries often cause damages such as lost work, pain, and medical bills, which may add to the financial pressure as victims recover.  

If an individual suffers severe injuries from a car crash in Florida caused by the negligence of others, local and state allow them to seek compensation for damages. A Port St. Lucie car accident lawyer can help victims of injury accidents get the compensation they deserve. Keep reading to learn how car accidents can cause neck and back pain, plus how a seasoned personal injury attorney can help. 

When someone enters a car as a passenger, they essentially place their lives in the hands of the vehicle’s driver and other motorists. The trauma of being a passenger in a car crash is not an easy feat, yet it happens more frequently than most people may realize. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), Florida has one of the highest rates of car accidents in the country. 

Car accidents are traumatizing events for everyone involved, including passengers. However, most passengers are unaware of the legal options after being injured in a car accident. Passengers involved in Boynton Beach car crashes should consult a Boynton Beach car accident lawyer. Legal representation can strengthen cases and increase the chances of a fair outcome.

Keep reading to learn about passengers’ rights after a Florida car accident.

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