Have you ever been in a car accident? Even a minor fender bender can cause an undetected brain injury. The scary truth is you may not even realize you have a traumatic brain injury, or TBI, until weeks or months after the accident. A TBI can affect your cognitive abilities, behavior, and quality of life.
You were going about your day when, out of nowhere, bam! Your head slams into the steering wheel or window. At first, you feel rattled but okay. The paramedics check you out, and you seem fine, so you go on with your day. But then strange things start happening. You have pounding headaches that won’t go away. Your memory isn’t as sharp. You feel irritable and quick to anger. Your spouse says you seem “off.”
If this sounds familiar, you could have a TBI from your car accident. The good news is the sooner you get diagnosed and treated, the better your chances of recovery. Don’t ignore the signs or assume you’re just stressed or tired. Talk to your doctor immediately about getting checked for a traumatic brain injury. Your health and future happiness depend on it.