A serious motorcycle crash can often result in severe injuries, expensive medical expenses and lost income from missing work. Many riders assume that their automobile’s Personal Injury Protection (PIP) will cover the damages. However, this is not the case in Florida.

Unless you specifically purchased motorcycle PIP coverage, you may need to pay for the damages out of your own pocket or file a lawsuit against the at-fault party. Having a licensed lawyer on your side to help you, could make a significant difference in the outcome of your settlement. Injury victims who hire legal representation usually garner larger settlement amounts, as opposed to individuals who decide to handle the case on their own.

If you or someone you know was hurt in a motorcycle accident, contact an accomplished attorney from the law office of Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers today. We offer free initial evaluation and there is no obligation to move forward with our firm. Your information is kept completely confidential, so there is no risk in discussing your case with one of our award-winning attorneys.

Recovering from a serious motorcycle crash can often seem insurmountable for injured victims and their families. Lost income from missing work, medical bills, and property damage can all add up to a challenging and stressful situation. Speaking to a qualified attorney about your situation could help you seek the compensation you may need for a full recovery.

At the law firm of Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers, our distinguished attorneys take pride in helping injured victims in Stuart pursue the fair amount of compensation they may need for a healthy future (by appointment only). Call our team of legal professionals to learn more about your rights and how you may be able to recover from negligent parties that are liable for your damages. 

Because motorcycles offer little to no protection from oncoming vehicles or immovable objects, the results of a serious collision can cause long-term health issues, which usually require expensive medical treatment, physical therapy, and rehabilitation. It is important to fully understand what is needed to have a successful accident claim or lawsuit so you can pursue the compensation you need to help you fully recover.

Riding a motorcycle comes with great responsibility to protect yourself and others on the road. Practicing certain safety tips can help reduce accidents and save lives. Bikes are fast and they have the power to accelerate quickly, which means there is very little room for error by cyclists and other drivers on the road. 

When a motorcycle crash occurs, the results can be devastating and sometimes deadly. Accident victims and their families are often left with massive medical bills, property damage, and other hefty expenses related to the incident. Discussing your accident claim with a licensed attorney may be essential to help cover these costs.

At the law office of Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers, our accomplished attorneys never settle for less when we work on motorcycle accident cases. We strive to help our clients obtain the fair amount of compensation they deserve when negligent parties are accountable for their damages. You can set up a complimentary initial consultation with one of our reputable Boynton Beach motorcycle accident lawyers today. 

To obtain compensation after a motorcycle crash, injury victims must provide enough evidence to prove their claim is valid. Although collecting evidence may seem like a simple task, having an experienced lawyer perform a thorough investigation is highly recommended. 

Gathering evidence in a motorcycle crash case can be very detailed and complex without the help of a trained professional who has experience working on these types of cases. Since bikes have very little protection around the rider, injuries are often severe and the damage is usually widespread. This can make it difficult to collect certain pieces of evidence needed to prove an accident claim. A diligent lawyer will examine all the possibilities that may have contributed to the collision and help you seek compensation from the parties accountable for damages that were caused by their negligence.

If you need assistance seeking justice for your motorcycle accident claim, contact an award-winning lawyer at Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers today. Our attorneys provide free initial consultations and there is no obligation to discuss your legal options. If your claim is approved, we may be able to help you obtain the fair amount of compensation you deserve to pay for medical expenses, loss of income, property damage, pain and suffering, and other damages related to the crash.

Motorcycle riders are at a higher risk of experiencing a traffic accident caused by road hazards, when compared to other vehicles. Small bumps on the road, potholes, rocks, branches, and minor oil spills can all contribute to a serious motorcycle crash, whereas a car or truck may have no issues running right through these obstacles.  

Because cyclists have very little protection around them, the damages are often severe. Riders can sometimes be devastated by debilitating injuries, high medical costs, lost wages from missing work, pain and suffering, property damage, and other losses. Having a qualified attorney review your accident claim is highly recommended so you can learn about your legal options to seek financial compensation for your damages. To obtain compensation for a motorcycle crash caused by a road hazard, you and your attorney can work together to look into and provide the sufficient evidence that is needed to prove your claim. 

The accomplished attorneys at Frank & Kominsky understand the struggles injured victims and their families face when dealing with a serious motorcycle accident. This is why we offer free initial consultations to motorcycle accident victims in Florida, including the Fort Lauderdale area (by appointment only). If your claim is viable, you could recover compensation to help pay for past, present, and future costs, and other financial losses related to the crash. 

It can never be too soon to call a lawyer after experiencing a car crash. The earlier you seek legal representation, the more time your lawyer will have to prepare to help you have a successful case. Giving a good lawyer ample time to investigate an accident claim means he or she will be able to exhaust all possible avenues to help you seek compensation. 

At the law office of Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers, our friendly lawyers are prepared to listen to the details of your car crash claim during a complimentary initial consultation. Allow our Port St. Lucie car accident lawyers (by appointment only) to help you fight for your legal rights to financial compensation. We have more than 40 years of combined legal experience and have helped our clients obtain more than $200 million in accumulated successful verdicts and settlements. 

While you may be hesitant to contact a lawyer for help, if you wait too long, you could be costing yourself significant amounts of compensation. Below, we provide steps you should take after a crash, the advantages to contacting a lawyer early in the process, and reasons why you should not wait to discuss your claim with a legal professional. 

In December 2020, the Florida Supreme Court announced that effective May 2021, Florida state courts would begin following the federal summary judgment standard. These changes will inevitably drastically impact Florida personal injury lawsuits. Further solidifying the change, at the end of April, the Florida Supreme court reviewed comments from the legal community and amended the language of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure 1.510 (FLRCP 1.510). The amendment “largely adopted” the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 56 (FRCP 56) text as a replacement for FLRCP 1.510.

The standard governs summary motions pending or decided on or after May 1, 2021. Additionally, the Supreme Court stated that courts should allow parties to file a renewed summary judgment motion if their motion was denied under the old rule. The critical changes to the rule change involve:

  1. The summary judgment standard now “mirrors” the standard for directed verdicts;

Since bikers do not have much protection around them as a car would provide, the result of a motorcycle crash can sometimes be severe. A serious collision could result in hefty medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages from missing work, property damage, and other significant losses. It is critical to understand your legal rights, including when your claim is due, so you can seek financial compensation to assist with your recovery efforts. 

The Florida Statute of Limitations only allows a certain period for accident victims to file a valid injury claim. If you wait too long, your claim could be denied by the court. At the law firm of Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers, our attorneys offer free initial consultations for motorcycle accident victims. We can evaluate your situation at no cost and let you know if you are legally eligible for compensation and when your claim must be submitted.

Read on to learn more about the statute of limitations for a motorcycle crash in Florida and some key factors that could determine when a claim is due.  

Experiencing a car crash can sometimes leave you in a state of shock and not knowing how to react. It is important to understand certain steps you may need to take after an unexpected collision. Although there are steps you can take on your own, having a good lawyer on your side could help protect your rights to pursue the fair amount of compensation you may deserve.

If you were involved in a car accident in Florida, contact the attorneys of Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers to schedule a no-cost initial consultation. Our licensed car accident lawyers may be able to point you in the right direction to seek the compensation you may need to cover medical costs, lost income, pain and suffering, property damage, and other expenses related to the crash.  

Below we provide some helpful steps you should take after an accident to protect yourself in more ways than one. If you miss certain steps, you could be denied the compensation you may need for a full recovery. 

While there are a multitude of different injuries that can result from a car crash, there are some injuries that are more common than others. If you or someone you care for was involved in a car accident, it is important to discuss your claim with a licensed lawyer who has experience working with various types of car accident injuries. 

At the law firm of Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers, our licensed lawyers have over 40 years of combined legal experience. We have also obtained a combined amount of over $200,000,000 in successful verdicts and settlements and received over 600 five-star reviews. Our reputable attorneys aim to protect the rights of injured victims throughout Florida, including the West Palm Beach area (by appointment only). Call us today to schedule a no-cost consultation.

Although no two vehicle collisions are exactly the same, we have seen some commonalities with some of the injuries that our past clients have sustained. Unfortunately, recovering compensation for these injuries is not always easy. While you may appear to have a similar injury as someone else, it does not mean you are guaranteed the same amount of compensation.

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